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Effect of Goal orientation and Academic Self-efficacy on Student Engagement: A Study for Management Students

Vol 8 , Issue 1 , January - June 2021 | Pages: 37-59 | Research Paper  

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1. * Satya Sidhartha Panda, HoD, Department of PGDM, Nitte School of Management, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India (

The rapid growth of student enrolment in higher educational institutions has resulted in large sizes of class and less individual attention, which in turn has led to a lack of sense of engagement with classroom activities by the student. However, students’ performance in higher education institutions is a serious concern.  So, we need to think of various interventional strategies to engage students for effective learning and academic performance. Variable under examination in this study were goal orientation and academic self-efficacy (independent variables) and student engagement (dependent variable). The objectives of the studies are to analyse the individual as well as combined impact of factors of goal orientation and academic self-efficacy on student engagement. This research has a survey-based design. The sample consisted of undergraduate and postgraduate management students. The data was collected using questionnaire and respondent were undergraduate and postgraduate management students. The data analysis was done using factor analysis, multiple regression and a statistical model was suggested. The study finds that goal orientation and academic self-efficacy have a significant impact on students engagement.


Goal orientation; Academic self-efficacy; Student engagement; Management students.

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