Published Online: May 30, 2020
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The study examines the effect of implementation of gender policy on employee commitment in selected county governments in Kenya. A sample of 494 respondents drawn from a target population of 7492 was used. Qualitative explanatory survey methodology was used. Cronbach alpha of .805 and .802 was obtained for gender and employee commitment respectively. The regression results indicate that implementation of gender diversity policy is statistically significant in predicting employee commitment. However, the level of significance is marginal (6 %) and may not make much impact in the organization in boosting employee commitment. Employee commitment items had a mean of 2.90, an indication that if the county management will not address the problem, this will translate into a cost and burden to the county if the employees are to leave for other organizations. The study recommends that county governments should seek to establish how to successfully implement gender policy.
Gender policy; Employee commitment; County government; Diversity management; Organizational leadership; Kenya