Journal Press India®

A Systematic Review of the Impact of Containerization on Software Development and Deployment Practices

Vol 1 , Issue 1 , January - June 2021 | Pages: 40-51 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sarishma ., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, India (
2. Abhishek ., Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, India (

Containerization[1] has altered software development and deployment practices by allowing for more efficient program packaging, shipping, and execution. This systematic review provides an in-depth examination of containerization's benefits, problems, and new trends. It investigates the effects of containerization on software development workflows, to increase cooperation and enhancing the software delivery lifecycle. The study looks into the impact of containerization on deployment, including application distribution, scalability, and management, and emphasizes the benefits of [2]container orchestration systems like Kubernetes. It also solves adoption constraints including security concerns and resource allocation. The findings give useful insights for scholars, practitioners, and organizations, assisting in the optimization of workflows, increasing productivity, and achieving consistent software delivery. This evaluation is a significant resource for executives and scholars in the industry.


Containers, Containerization, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, CI/CD, DevOps, Software Development

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