Journal Press India®

A Broad Review of Various Machine Learning Models for Disease Detection in the Domain of Agriculture

Vol 3 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 153-170 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Madhavi ., PhD Scholar, CSE, Bennett University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (

The Agriculture domain is a vast domain with various grain and food categories which helps to boost the economy. Among all these categories leaf disease is the one common issue that impacts the overall growth of crops and can be dealt with with the use of models that have been proposed in ML and DL. In this paper, we have given an introduction to such models which have performed extraordinarily for disease classification and detection in the field of agriculture. Various crops have been listed according to their accuracy and the model has been proposed by various researchers. The algorithms’ performance is typically assessed using a variety of metrics, such as F1 score, accuracy, and precision. Researchers working in this field who are searching for different effective ML and DL-based classifiers for leaf disease detection would find this review to be useful.


ML; DL; Agriculture; Plant Disease

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