Journal Press India®

Differences in Framing Effects in Decision-Making in India and Germany

Vol 9 , Issue 2 , July - December 2022 | Pages: 1-19 | Research Paper  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Thomas Berger, Professor, Business and Engineering, DHBW Stuttgart, Stuttgart, bw, Germany (
2. Tim Ollig, Master Student, N.A., N.A., N.A., N.A., Germany (

Framing effects are well known and can have severe consequences for organizations and individuals alike. From an international management perspective, it is important to know how cultural differences influence potential framing effects. Framing studies use mostly catastrophic examples, such as diseases, rather than real-life examples from businesses. In addition, the potential cultural mechanisms behind framing effects have not yet been analyzed with two samples from India and Germany. Our research focuses on a case study incorporating risk information framed both negatively and positively. We conducted surveys in Germany and India to collect data. Participants were asked how much they would pay to settle a hypothetical case, and in a second question if they would enter into a settlement for a stipulated amount of money. We found cultural influences stemming from differences in collectivism in each country. However, the role of risk numeracy and cognitive reflection was not clear.


Attribute Framing; Decision Bias; Risk Information; Collectivism; Cognitive Reflection; Risk Numeracy; Intuition

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