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GBS Impact: Journal of Multi Disciplinary Research

Traditional Game Gilli Dandu and Its Contribution to Sports and Games

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Podiya Deputy Director of Physical Education, GFGC, Government First Grade College, Puttur, Karnataka, India (

’Gilli Dandu’ is a simple and amateur game of the society; it spread the valuable ideas to the future generation. It provides equal opportunities to all the people. As per ‘pardanas’ (folk epic narration) the winning of poor boys leads to the class struggle in the society. In addition, the game exhibits the similarities with some of the competitive games like Base ball, Cricket and Soft ball. People in England pick up bat and ball to play, in the same way in ‘Tulunadu’boys and girls pick up ‘Gilli and Dandu’to play.



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