Journal Press India®

Journal of Futuristic Sciences and Applications
Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 14-24 | Research Paper

Impact of Dry Drilling CFRP with Ti-AIN Nano-Coated Bits: Considerations for Machine Parameters and Hole Quality

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sheo Kumar, Professor, Computer Science & Engineering, CMR Engineering College, Kandlakoya, Telangana, India (

CFRP (Carbon fiber-reinforced polymers) has a high strength-to-weight ratio, resists corrosion, and is durable. High strength and hardness make machining difficult. Also consider the cutting tool. This experimental analysis the influence of machining on Hand-laid CFRP plates. In this case, the parameters Speed, Feed, and Cutting Tool were used to monitor a CNC drilling machine. Both a TiAlN nano coating and an uncoated 14mm High-Speed Steel (HSS) drill bit are used. Titanium-aluminum-nitride-coated HSS tools enhanced hole quality. Six various thicknesses of CFRP plates are drilled to observe hole entry and exit quality. There is no pushout delamination, when a double-coated HSS tool is used, ensuring the same hole quality at both entry and exit. DOE optimizes observations (DOE). Taguchi Analysis for six different thicknesses show a drill bit with a titanium-aluminum-nitride double coating produces the perfect drill hole quality on CFRP metal. This research looks into what happens when you dry drill Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) with Ti-AIN Nano-coated bits. It looks at how it changes the machine and the quality of the holes you make. Through careful testing and analysis, the study shows the most important things that need to be thought about when setting up a machine for dry drilling. The study also looks at the effect on hole quality, focusing on factors that affect surface finish, delamination, and the strength of the structure as a whole. The study's findings help us learn more about how Ti-AIN Nano-coated bits, machine parameters, and the quality of the hole made during CFRP dry drilling all work together. These findings can be used to improve the way machines are used for machining.


Taguchi Analysis, Design of experiments (DOE), Nano coated HSS tool, (TiAlN), Dry Drilling, HSS drill bit.

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