Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 27-51 | Research Paper

Millennials and Generation Z: Reinventing Gandhian Thoughts in 21st Century

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Sunita Sharma, Professor, Commerce, Maniben Nanavati Women’s College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (
2. * Nooruzia Qazi, Head Department of Commerce, Commerce, B.M.Ruia Girls' College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (

21st century, known as ‘The Era of Development’, accompanies with it, several problems. The COVID 19 experience has sensitized us to the need of being independent, self-sufficient and have economic growth which is inclusive and equitable. This exploratory research attempts to find viewpoints of two generations - Millennials (who got their start in an era of economic prosperity) and Generation Z (which was raised at a time of global economic stress). Both generations have experienced COVID 19. The study attempts to find out their views on the relevance of Gandhian thoughts, to the present world of modern science and technology, especially after the experience of COVID 19. Primary data with the help of survey instrument was collected from 200 respondents of Millennial and Generation Z. Questions were designed using Likert’s scale to capture the respondents’ attitudes across five dimensions based on Gandhian thoughts. The statistical tools, mean, median and standard deviation were used and hypotheses was tested using Z test. The data analysis revealed that all the 5 Gandhian thoughts have significant relevance in the modern world of science and technology.


Gandhian thoughts; 21st century; Sarvodaya; Trusteeship; Swadeshi; Millennials; Generation Z.

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