Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 52-63 | Research Paper

Employee Commitment Model with a Focus on Implementation of Diversity Training Policy in Selected County Governments in Kenya

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Ruth Ogega Mwango, Lecturer, Human Resources, School of Business Economics, Kisii University, Kisii, Kenya (
2. James Muya, Senior Lecturer, Human Resourec and Strategic Management, Kisii University, Nairobi, kisii, Kenya (
3. Yobes Benjamin Nyaboga, Senior Lecturer, Business Administration, Kisii University, Nairobi, Kisii, Kenya (

The study examines the effect of implementation of diversity training policy on employee commitment in selected county governments in Kenya. A sample of 494 respondents drawn from a target population of 7492 was used. Qualitative explanatory survey methodology was used. A Cronbach alpha of .892 and .802 was obtained for diversity training policy and employee commitment respectively. Regression results indicated that implementation of diversity training policy is negative and statistically significant in predicting employee commitment. The negative effect implies that diversity training effects do not last long or they tend to backfire because of the inability of the training to capture and address the underlying diversity concerns resulting in a negative reaction. Since diversity training is the most preferred method of managing diversity, organizations ought to rethink of how training can be effective to avoid negative effect.


Diversity management policies; County governments; Diversity training Policy; Kenya.

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