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Factors Affecting Purchasing Probability of Jewellery Items: A Women’s Perspective

Vol 8 , Issue 2 , July - December 2021 | Pages: 28-50 | Research Paper  

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1. * Shubhi Agarwal, Research Scholar, IBM, GLA University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India (
2. Anand Agrawal, Pro Vice chancellor, IBM, GLAU, GLA University, Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India (

This paper aims to study women’s buying intention of jewellery items and seeks to identify factors having an impact on the purchasing probability of those items. Demographic factors (age, occupation, and marital status) are also included in this research. To have a clear understanding of women’s attitudes and the reason behind that attitude, the authors used the survey method and face-to-face interaction method with the respondents to collect the data for analysis. MANOVA and Linear multiple regression was used to convert the raw data into useful information. The findings reported that independent variables extracted from the literature explain a good percentage in the variability of the dependent variable. Further, demographic factors also have a significant impact on the buying attitude of women. The finding of this study will help the retailers in the jewellery industry in targeting the correct segment by using appropriate strategies.


Women’s buying behaviour; Luxury product; Purchasing probability; Jewellery items.

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