Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2022 | Pages: 160-176 | Case Study

Yes Bank: A Saga of Corporate Governance Conundrum

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1. * Reshma Rajani, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Jagran College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India (

India’s fifth largest private sector moneylender, YES Bank, was put on moratorium on 5th March, 2020. It was in the midst of a crisis as the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had taken over its affairs and placed strict limits on its operations. Such a value deterioration because of governance failure and the consequent erosion of investors trust or confidence shows that corporate governance standards remain weak in India and calls for immediate renovation. The present study attempts to review corporate governance reforms in India through a survey of existing research, identifying issues which are not being sufficiently addressed in the existing corporate governance framework of Yes Bank and exemplify the key takeaways to prevent such instances in the future. Lastly, the study suggests some suitable measures as to draw the attention of concerned authorities in order to make corporate governance reforms more effective in India.


Keywords: Moratorium, Revival, Banking Standards, Leadership skill

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