Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 5, Issue 2, July - December 2018 | Pages: 63-72 | Research Paper

Telling Stories in the Digital Space: A Marketing Perspective

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Yukti Ahuja, Associate Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India (
2. Indu Loura, Assistant Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India (

The emerging digital platforms are playing a pivotal role in shaping the brand choice. The medium is embraced by both- new inventive businesses and conventional technique practitioners. A critical aspect of harnessing the potential of this platform is to engage the customers. One such ploy is engaging them through interaction by means of telling a tale or experience sharing or as the title suggests: story-telling. The technique though old in existence but new in its employability can open up a myriad of opportunities for marketers to engage and co-create and leverage the consumer input to connect in a meaningful way. The paper is a deep dive into understanding story-telling, its relevance in the digital age, effectiveness in ensuring the consumer insight deliverables and continuous engagement. The research work investigates media reports, research papers, and industry insights to suggest the inevitability of story-telling in the business success and customer engagement. The paper is useful for practitioners, researchers and academicians.


Story-telling; Digital marketing; Customer engagement

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