Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2020 | Pages: 31-46 | Research Paper

Organisational Justice and its Effect on Organisational Commitment: A Study of Selected Civil Service Organisations of Gondar City Administration

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1. * Demis Alamirew Getahun, Assistant Professor, Department of Management, University of Gondar, Amhara, Amhara, Ethiopia (

This study aims to investigate organisational justice and its effect on the commitment of employees in selected public sector organisations of Gondar city. The total population of the study was 484 employees working in Gondar city and the required data, extracted from 186 questionnaires, were analysed through SPSS version 21. Proportional stratified sampling was used to select the sample respondents. One of the objectives of this study was investigating the extent of organisational justice and the findings indicated that all the dimensions of organisational justice were beyond the cut-off points. This implies that many of the behaviour of the respondents are agreed on the variables. The Pearson’s correlation analysis notified that distributive, procedural, interpersonal and informational justice respectively have statistically significant relationship with organisational commitment. The developed hypotheses were also tested by using regression analysis and the results revealed that distributive and procedural justice have a significant effect on organisational commitment but not on interpersonal and informational justice.


Organisational justice; Distributive justice; Procedural justice; Interpersonal justice; Informational justice; Organisational commitment

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