Published Online: May 30, 2020
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Presently, the global environment is dynamic in nature and reflecting a lot of opportunities and challenges. In grabbing of those opportunities by the businesses, the employees are undergoing a lot of stress. Banking industry is not an exception to this. The uncertainty in the banking policy reflects on employees’ stress levels in communicating the policies to the customers. The objective of this paper is to find the stress levels of select bank employees of Chittoor district. For the study, a sample of 174 public sector and 132 private sector bank employees are considered. The sampling technique adapted to the study is multistage sampling technique. The findings of the study show that private bank employees have more stress compared to the public sector employees due to long working hours and high pressure. In cadre level, officers are highly stressed because of NPAs and disbursement of loans.
Occupational stress; Work stress; Bank stress; Andhra Pradesh