Paper Submission Guidelines - PRAGATI: Journal of Indian Economy
1. Submission to this journal is to be made through JPI online submission and peer-review system available at The online submission system guides the authors through the process of filling article details and uploading files in a step-wise manner. As a part of the online system of submission and to enable you to track the status of your manuscript, the reviewer comments and decision on your manuscript will be shared with you once you have submitted your paper through the online mode.
2. The recommended length of a paper is around 6,000 words (including all notes, references, tables and appendices).
3. Before making the online submission of manuscript, the author/s should ensure the following in respect of the manuscript:
4. The author/s can follow the paper template provided on the left hand panel to understand the structure of a manuscript.
5. Plagiarism check: The authors are informed that all submitted manuscripts go through a similarity check and if the similarity score is 15% or more (including authors’ own publications), the manuscript would not be considered for the peer-review process. This check is done as soon as the manuscript is received and hence the authors must ensure that the similarity index is less than 15% for their submitted manuscript.
6. Ethics policy: Contributors to the Journal are advised to be careful as not to violate any of the provisions of the Copyright Act and the Rules made thereof as regards the material used in the papers or their sources. JPI will not be responsible for any violations or lapses on the part of the contributors in this regard. For more information, please refer to our detailed Ethics policy.
7. Copyright and licensing: On acceptance of a paper, the author will be required to electronically submit a ‘Copyright Form’ (on JPI online submission portal), which is an exclusive license agreement that grants JPI the sole and exclusive right and license to publish the article. Sample Copyright Form
The ‘Copyright Form’ would also require the author/s to warrant the following:
8. Peer-review Policy: All papers submitted to the journal would be subject to JPI's online review system. JPI follows a double-blind peer review system (may take minimum 10-12 weeks to take its first decision) for selecting articles to be published. The decsision regarding acceptance/rejection/re-submission etc. would be communicated only after the completion of peer-review process.
For more information, please refer to the detailed peer-review process.
9. The Editorial Team reserves the right to make suitable editorial changes in the papers submitted and accepted for publication.
10. The author/s can check the status of their submitted manuscript at any time by logging in to their Dashboard (on the JPI online submission system).
11. For any further queries, the author/s can send an email at / /