Journal Press India®

Computology: Journal of Applied Computer Science and Intelligent Technologies
Vol 2 , Issue 1 , January - June 2022 | Pages: 23-32 | Research Paper

Applications of AI in Prosthetics: A critical Analysis

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Sudeep Varshney, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sharda School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (
2. Amrit Suman, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Sharda School of Engineering and Technology, Sharda University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (
3. Gunajn Varshney, Department of Electrical Engineering, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (
4. Preetam Suman, VIT Bhopal University, Sehore, Madhya Pradesh, India (

Technological integration in prosthetics is great boon for a person with disabilities Artificial intelligence and Machine learning along with neural network can work simultaneously to provide the best results in for the real like motion and stability of prosthetics with right timing. Neural linkage and interaction with devices and software can be easy for the person and using bionic limbs .Using expertise and required knowledge of different field we can make prosthetics work as the normal limbs using right type of material can give it a feel of real human limbs , Machine learning Algorithms are used for the training purpose of prosthetics before using them practically in real life so they can predict what can be the next movement of the person using previous data that was provided during training and also using machine learning in real time to increase the accuracy along with neural network to let a person control prosthetics with brain only. ANN is used for the connection of prosthetics from human body like a brain and after integration of all the technology that we can use for the proper functioning of prosthetics we can use different types of network and ways for the different part of the body to act accordingly.


Artificial Neural Network (ANN); Deep Learning; Myoelectric Control; Electromyography (EMG); Electroencephalogram (EEG)

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