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Ensemble WGAN (EWG): Advancing Image Synthesis and Deepfake Detection with Heterogeneous Discriminator Approach

Vol 3 , Issue 2 , July - December 2023 | Pages: 69-97 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Preeti Sharma, JRF, School of Computer Sciences, UPES, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (
2. Manoj Kumar, Associate Professor, Engineering and Information Sciences, University of Wollongong , Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (
3. Hitesh Kumar Sharma, senior associate professor, school ofcomputer science, upes, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India (

In the present time, deepfakes pose a big threat to the security of our society. Concerns regarding these fake images being used for malevolent reasons on social networking sites have increased. As a solution it, this paper proposed a new model called EWG (Ensemble WGAN) which helps to detect deepfake using its unique ensemble architecture. The EWG model is an expansion of the WGAN architecture that improves deepfake detection and GAN training issues. It employs a voting ensemble of three unique discriminators and a single generator. The approach works with generator weights updated by the best discriminator on each epoch. The model dynamically selects the best discriminator based on a unique diverse loss function that combines adversarial loss and the SSIM metric, boosting diversified performance. Leveraging the “Indian Actor Images Dataset” and “5-Celebrity Faces,” the EWG model achieves remarkable deepfake detection accuracy of 98.480% and 96.417%, with computation times of 1813.251 and 2197.011 seconds. Furthermore, it mitigates GAN training challenges like mode collapses, gradient penalties, and convergence and provides superior image quality, surpassing basic WGAN and other state-of-the-art methods. The EWG model demonstrates its dependability and potential for countering deepfakes and improving GAN capabilities.


Deep Learning; Digital Forensics; Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN); Ensemble GAN Model; Deepfake

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