Journal Press India®

International Journal of Management Issues and Research
Vol 8 , Issue 1 , January - June 2019 | Pages: 35-39 | Research Paper

Role of Administrators in Educational Establishments

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Rupinder Kaur, Research Scholar, Sunrise University, Alwar, Rajasthan, India (

Administration is management of an office, business, or an organization that involves efficient organization of people, information, and other resources to achieve organizational objectives. An Administrator as an official takes up the role who manages, organizes and supervises the activities/functions/operations of an organization or institution. In academic institution, which is also our area of study, an administrator could be a Registrar, COE, Dean, Director, Principal, HOD, etc. or may be of any designation. The administrators in educational setup help to ensure that the university/institution run efficiently by managing its administrative, financial, operation and other support systems. The role of Administrator is not just about record keeping, processing salary and other requests but with changing educational dynamics, the administrators have a huge responsibility of making policies to check, discipline among students , handle issues such as ragging, sexual harassment, and staff, safety and security, counseling of students in times of need, managing hostels and other infrastructure, etc. It is a challenging job and requires a high level of efficiency to do their roles to maintain the sanctity of any educational institute or university.


Administrator, Educational institute, Management Hierarchy, Duties and role of administrator personnel

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