Vol 2 , Issue 2 , July - December 2019 | Pages: 40-44
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In HEVs, maintaining high energy density is a necessity while demanding higher peak power as well thus this results in doubling the incremental cost of the vehicle if approx. 15 % of all electric range is demanded. The SOC of the vehicle directly affects the economy and the emission rates. In this work the parallel HEV is modelled by using ADVISOR and Different SOC limits are taken for testing the performance and fuel economy for the same designed driving cycle. With the simulation results we will be able to specify best upper and lower limits of SOC such that vehicle will achieve best fuel economy and emission performance. The simulation is performed by taking repetitive velocity profiles (drive cycles) of four different curves i.e. UDDS, ECE, FTP and HWFET. The operating effectiveness of the parts must be optimised by taking the system as a whole into account. The forward-looking approach will be used to carry out the control strategy. In this technique, the operating efficiency is maximised in order to maximise fuel economy; other strategies do not have this additional component. In order to improve fuel economy, the ability controller for parallel hybrid automobiles is mentioned in this study. The older power controllers that were installed optimise operation but do not fully utilise the possibilities.
Electric Range; Soc; Velocity Profile; Control Strategy; Performance; Operating Efficiency