Journal Press India®

Power Storage System Drive Cycle Control in Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 43-47 | Research Paper

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Surendra Jai Prakash, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Agartala, Tripura, India (

Environmental preservation and lowering gaseous emissions have become goals due to worries about the depletion of crude oil and the quick rise in urban economic growth. This has spurred long-term solution research, especially in the transportation industry where powertrain electrification is a major issue. Energy management systems (EMSs) have a direct impact on how fuel-efficient and emissions-efficient HEVs. The intricate design and little understood working cycles of hybrid electric vehicles make emergency medical services (EMS) a difficult issue to solve. Repetitive velocity profiles, or drive cycles, of four distinct curves—UDDS, ECE, FTP, and HWFET—are acquired in order to run the simulation. The system as a whole must be taken into account in order to maximize the operational efficacy of the various components. The forward-looking technique will be used to the control plan's implementation. Although this extra component is absent from other systems, this tactic optimizes fuel economy by optimizing operational efficiency. The driver demand, road slope, and battery State Of Charge (SOC) constraints are taken into account while determining the IC Engine's output torque through the use of adaptive fuzzy logic. In this study, elevation data from the real world is used to test, develop, and execute an adaptive fuzzy logic based method.


electric range , soc , velocity profile, control strategy , performance, operating efficiency

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