Published Online: November 22, 2020
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Mobile applications are strongly emerging as a medium of purchase for consumers all across the world,while in India we have still not been able to realise the full potential of this medium. India is a leading market not only in the Asia-Pacific region but the world over for mobile usage, internet usage, mobile internet usage, despite that fact there has been a slow growth of mobile application based shopping. Thus, the purpose of the current study has been to understand about consumers’ demographic profile with respect to their preference for mobile app-based shopping and highlight the various barriers coming in the way of its growth, such as, lack of consumer trust, perceived security risk and privacy concerns. For the purpose, the data which was collected through a structured questionnaire from 1,498 respondents was analysed. This study used the multinomial logistic regression model to empirically investigate as to how some specific factors such as privacy, trust, and risk of payment security concerns influence the preference for mobile-app based shopping over the brick and mortar markets for retail shopping among different age, gender, occupational and income groups of consumers in India.
Mobile-app based shopping; Privacy; Trust, Security risk; Demographic variables.