Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 117-130 | Review paper

Corporate Governance and Agency Theory: An Analysis of Literature

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1. * Kirti Ranjan Swain, Associate Professor, School of Management, Indian Institute for Production Management, Rourkela, Odisha, India (

For long term sustainability as well as organized functioning of corporate, a strong and effective corporate governance policy is necessary. The research aim is review of literature of corporate governance in Indian context. The review is based on the themes of agency theory, governance policies and norms, degree of corporate disclosure and governance effectiveness. The review examines the efficacy of governance mechanism towards organizational accomplishment. The paper also highlights the principal-agent problem in corporate governance mechanism. This study can provide insights to policy makers towards strengthening the quality of corporate governance for the progress of corporates within nation. It provides information to the executive of multinational firms who take decision to investment in Indian market as well as outlines the knowledge gaps and future research directions to the researcher.


Corporate Governance; Governance mechanism; Agency theory; Corporate disclosure.

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