Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 5, Issue 1, January - June 2018 | Pages: 1-19 | Research Paper

Cause Related Marketing and Customer Value: The Role of Service Quality and Perceived Risk as Mediators

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Shelleka Gupta, Assistant Professor, The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India (
2. Alka Sharma, Professor and Director, The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India (
3. Aubid Hussain Parrey, Assistant Professor, The Business School, University of Jammu, Jammu and Kashmir, India (

The present research paper is an attempt to understand the role of mediating variables in the relationship of cause related marketing and customer Value. Based on the literature review, the role of service quality and perceived risk as mediators has been analysed in depth. The data for the study has been collected from mobile subscribers of the select telecom companies that were running cause campaigns. The results of the research showed higher total effect than direct effect, which signalled the role of mediators in the relationship of cause related marketing and customer value. Furthermore it is evident from the analysis that service quality has a direct and significant impact on the relationship of Cause related marketing and customer value, as compared to the perceived risk. This research study emphasizes the role of Cause Related Marketing in enhancing customer value via service quality.


Cause Related Marketing; Customer Value; Service Quality; Perceived Risk

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