Journal Press India®

Correlation between Attributes Concerning Social Media Marketing and Private Healthcare Sector

Vol 6, Issue 1, January - June 2019 | Pages: 1-15 | Research Paper  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Vaishali Sharma, Dean, Faculty of Management, Jagannath University, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India (
2. * Mahima Gupta, Assistant Professor, Jagan Institute of Management Studies, Delhi, India (

Social media marketing in healthcare sector is on the rise. With the advent of healthcare apps and pages it has become much easier for the users to discuss and share health related information online. Healthcare providers are increasingly becoming interested in understanding the role played by social media marketing and are keen on utilizing this platform to their benefit. Thus from perspective of healthcare providers, it is important to study the relationship between various attributes related to social media marketing and healthcare together. This study should be adopted by healthcare providers in their actions to promote their institutions. A survey was conducted to understand the perception of people using internet for consumption of health care information online. Our universe comprises the users in and around Delhi NCR, India. Data has been collected with help of a self-constructed questionnaire and techniques of correlation have been used through SPSS version 17.0.


Online health information; Patient satisfaction; Healthcare; Social media

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