Journal Press India®

Linear Modelling of in Store Customer Experience in an Electronic Store Based on Controllable Factors

Vol 6, Issue 1, January - June 2019 | Pages: 60-73 | Research Paper  

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1. * Shubhendra Singh Parihar, Associate Professor, Jaipuria Institue of Management, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India (

We are living in experiential economy where customer is at centre point. Only a satisfied customer can help to survive and thrive a business entity, that’s why this subject is gaining more importance in businesses. This study is focus on most of controllable factors like product quality, availability, range, prices, and behaviour of staff, waiting time in billing counters, cleanliness, and space for movement, air-conditioning inside the store, lighting arrangements, promotions, offers and discounts. Some of the important aspects other than inside the store were also covered like parking facility, signage and washroom facility. The results of the study signposted that product availability, product variety , range and waiting time at billing counter have significant influence in overall customer experience in a retail chain store of electronic goods. One very interesting point in findings is that if waiting time at billing desk exceeds to their expectations to wait for, their overall experience drops expressively.


Customer satisfaction; Customer experience; Controllable variables; Experiential marketing; Repeat purchase behaviour

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