Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2020 | Pages: 76-86 | Research Paper

Impact of Job Seekers’ Profile on Social Networking Websites in the Recruitment Process in Indian IT firms

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1. * Monika Punn, Associate Professor, Department of HR and Marketing, MIMT, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India (

Recruitment is the process of attracting potential candidates to apply for vacant positions in an organization. Recruiters are using social media platforms to advertise jobs, find talent, and communicate with potential recruiters about the company’s culture. Job seekers are using social media for active job search as well as networking with recruiters to become a candidate for passive recruitment. This research explores the significance of social networking as a medium of recruitment in IT industries and focuses on job seekers’ perspective of using social media for recruitment. The research focus on analysing the impact of job seekers’ profile on social networking sites on recruiters’ decision when it comes to recruitment process. For this research the designed questionnaire for job seekers’ had 21 questions. The data was collected from 417 job seekers by means of Google forms. The mathematical tools deployed in this research are regression analysis and ANOVA. The present study confirms that social media profile of job seekers’ have an impact in recruitment process.


Recruitment; Social networking sites; Profile update; Job description; India; IT industry

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