Published Online: June 21, 2015
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This paper focuses on the saga of India’s economic growth under the ‘Nehru-Mahalanobis Economic Growth Model’ (NMEGM) and ‘Narsimhrao-Manmohan Singh Economic Growth Model’ (NMSEGM). The NMEGM continued till 1990 unceasingly; Indira Gandhi’s social control had supported the model to place India’s economic growth at a high level. After becoming a member of World trade Organization (WTO), India entered the epoch of world new economic order and initiated new economic reforms. It followed globalisation, liberalisation and privatisation policies to achieve double digit economic growth rate. This model is popularly known as ‘Narsimhrao-Manmohan Singh Economic Growth Model’. Based on past trends and new changes, this paper attempts to assess the impact of NMSEGM on future economic growth. India has practiced both endogenous and exogenous models of economic growth. The endogenous model was in operation from 1956-57 till 1990-91 that placed economic growth rate at more than 5%. However, from 1990-91, the new economic reforms have followed the exogenous model that has raised economic growth rate to nearing double-digit; but, the decadal economic growth rate has shown a declining trend. This paper attempts to assess the growth rate trends of Indian economy by using the measuring tool called ‘Inclusive Growth’ to get a fair and true picture.
Economic Growth Models, Indian GNP, Inclusive Growth, NMSEGM, NMEGM, Human Capital Investment, Natural Capital Investment