Vol 6, Issue 2, July - December 2019 | Pages: 82-93 | Research Paper
Published Online: November 18, 2019
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It has been empirically shown that wages from MGNREGA have been squandered on luxurious items, drinks, etc. by majority of labours (farmers) in Manipur. On the other hand, it is often reported that crops have failed due to natural calamities. Farmers are lacking in their investments which should be channelized into health and crop insurance. There is possibility of channelizing wage from MGNREAGA into various insurance schemes to achieve social welfare goal of farmers in the country. It is empirically proved using farmers’ data which are collected in systematic sampling method. For better analysis, farmers have been classified into big, small and marginal based on the size of land that each farmer holds. Since the farmers’ data on opinions of available insurance schemes are nonparametric, chi-squared test has been employed that statistically proves that there is possibility of channelizing this wage into basic expenditures and insurance schemes (health and crop) for every farmer. This will fulfil social welfare programme for common people from the view of government
MGNREGA; Chi-square test; Systematic sampling; CEI; IRDA