Journal Press India®

International Journal of Management Issues and Research
Vol 9 , Issue 1 , January - June 2020 | Pages: 37-46 | Research Paper

A Web Based E-Waste Management and Collection System: A Futuristic Approach

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Raktim Sharma, Student, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh (
2. Sarkar Sujoy Sarathi Das, Student, Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh (
3. Md. Mostofa Nurannabi Shakil, Programmer, Skill Development for Mobile Game and Application Project, ICT Division, Dhaka, Bangladesh (
4. Md. Sobuz Al Mamun, Programmer, Skill Development for Mobile Game and Application Project, ICT Division, Dhaka, Bangladesh (

E-waste which can be defined as discarded electronic products contains extremely hazardous materials such as Lead, cadmium etc. In Bangladesh, almost 2.7 million metric tons of e-waste generated per year. E-waste and its reuse and recycling processes can cause significant environmental and health hazards. The current practices of e- waste recycling in Bangladesh suffer from a number of drawbacks. No such factory was setup for recycling because of strategic collection of e-wastes and without regular collection a factory will face losses. Thus, the present informal practice of recycling is not carried out safely and it becomes a danger to human health and the surrounding environment. This paper highlights on strategic method of e-Waste management, collection and selling to the recyclers. It also describes the present dumping practices and what rules are in place for dumping and how futuristic dumping practices can be introduced. Therefore, this paper also suggest that e-waste collection & recycling may require a more customized approach and it should get more preference with municipal solid waste. A comparison of e-waste management framework is also provided emphasizing on e-waste collection.


e-Waste, Recycling, Environment, Precious Metal, Collection Network, e-Waste Management

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