Vol 7 , Issue 1 , January - June 2024 | Pages: 1-7 | Research Paper
Published Online: July 19, 2024
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( * ) denotes Corresponding author
Rapid infrastructure development is now necessary due to the growing population, which calls for massive amounts of fresh water. The globe is already experiencing a water crisis, and by the end of 2030, 700 million people will be suffering from a lack of water, according to UNICEF estimates. In such situation, it is necessary to reduce the use of fresh water in construction industries by replacing fresh water with sea water, domestic and industrial waste water. This article aims to provide the short review to create knowhow of the utilization of water other than fresh water in the construction on the basis of previous researches. This article has covered the impact of seawater and recycled waste water on the structural and resilience qualities and it was found that use of high amount of salt present in sea water reduces the compressive strength but it can be countered by using admixtures and special types of cements and the use of sea water and recycled waste water in the cement concrete requires high degree of supervision.
permeability, setting time, concrete, impurities, efflorescence, turbidity, brackish water