Journal Press India®

Market Penetration and Growth of Consumer Durables Industry in Rural India

Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 13-37 | Research Paper  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Debabrata Mukhopadhyay, Professor, Department of Economics, West Bengal State University, Hooghly, West Bengal, India (
2. Arun Kumar Mandal, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, West Bengal State University, Kolkata, West Bengal, India (

Consumer durable industry has been changing in recent years in India with higher disposable income, better education, changing lifestyle, and consumption pattern of the households. India is the second fastest-growing economy having a huge consumer durable market which has emerged as one of the fastest-growing industries in India. After opening up of the economy, Indian consumer durable market is becoming competitive with significant presence of multinational companies (MNC) coming with advanced technology and superior product quality. The Indian rural sector has huge potential for consumer durables industries as two third of the Indian population live in rural areas. In this backdrop, our attempt in this context is to analyze growth and penetration of consumer durable industries in India.


Disposable Income; Consumable goods; Potential demand; Technology; Rural India.

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