Journal Press India®

PRAGATI: Journal of Indian Economy
Vol 8 , Issue 2 , July - December 2021 | Pages: 01-28 | Research Paper

Diversity, Tourism and Employment Generation: A Strategic Perspective on India

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1. * Archana Mishra, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Jai Hind College, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India (

Colonial legacies, limited growth of jobs in manufacturing, youth dividend, and the rigid labour structure in India makes it a challenge to add new employment in primary and secondary sectors. Services sector has been a key driver in India’s economic growth and one of the key sub-sectors that has seen growth is the tourism and hospitality industry of India. In first quarter of 2020, tourism sector showed up 8.0% of the total employment generated in the country and employed about 39 million indicating the volume of jobs created in this sector. This paper attempts to explain how diversity could lead to employment creation in the tourism sector in India. A qualitative methodology along with literature review followed by a data-based perspective and backed with a theoretical analysis of the link between Indian diversity and employment generation possibilities in the tourism sector has been attempted.


Diversity; Human capital; Plural society; Transactional approach; Tourism employment generation; Tourism competitiveness.

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