Journal Press India®

Journal of Futuristic Sciences and Applications
Vol 6 , Issue 1 , January - June 2023 | Pages: 43-49 | Research Paper

Analysis of Economic Dispatch of Integration of PV- wind Generation Connected to Microgrid with Load-storage

Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Yogendra Kumar, Assistant professor , Electrical Engineering , GLA UNIVERSITY , Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India (

The most effective and economical power dispatching for microgrids is incorporated into the new power system optimisation, it is essential for reducing energy use and pollution. The microgrid should make money and deliver power that meets the absolute minimal requirements. In this study, we propose a combined optimisation approach for a distributed energy system with wind-photovoltaic load storage. The cost of production, the cost of discharge, the cost of acquisition, and the revenue from the sale of energy are all taken into consideration in this model. The relevant particle swarm optimization-based model solution algorithm is also supplied. The efficiency of the suggested model and algorithm is further demonstrated. In this research, Using a project case study, the joint optimal method for a distributed energy system with wind-photovoltaic load storage is examined and addressed.. It also presents the most practical and affordable power dispatching strategies under various scenarios.


Battery, Wind turbine, Photovoltaic system, Load, Microgrid, EPD

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