Journal Press India®

MANTHAN: Journal of Commerce and Management
Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 95-107 | Research Paper

A Comparative Study of Service Convenience Dimensions of Private and Public Sector Banks in Delhi Region

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1. * Shyama Kumari, Assistant Professor, Management, Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, India (
2. Taru Baswan, Assistant Professor, Management, BCIPS Dwarka, New Delhi, Delhi, India (

With the escalating demands and expectations of the customers, the service sector is striving to meet both the ends. The purpose of this paper is to examine service convenience factors which give an edge to the service providers in banking sector and enable them to underline perception of retail banking customers with respect to the service dimensions of the private and public sector banks. The study examines four service dimensions viz. decision convenience, transaction convenience, access convenience and post benefit convenience. The data was collected through a structured questionnaire, from 156 retail banking customers in Delhi region, who maintain accounts with private as well as public sector banks. Results of the analysis reveals that, with respect to service convenience dimensions, in all the cases, there is no significant difference between the service providers. In addition to this, results also reveal that transaction convenience is affected by customers’ years of association with the bank. The findings of the study will enable the public and private sector banks to improve their service convenience.


Customer; Retail banking; Service convenience; Delhi.

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