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Revealed Comparative Advantage: Analyzing India’s Exports to ASEAN During the Period 2002-20

Vol 9 , Issue 2 , July - December 2022 | Pages: 42-60 | Research Paper  

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. Vibha Mathur, Professor, Department of Commerce, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University, UP, Delhi, India (
2. * Shankar Jyoti Doley, Assistant Professor , Management, Golaghat Commerce College , Golaghat , Assam, India (

India’s Act East Policy has been one major initiative to strengthen the strategic relationship with ASEAN. India’s trade intensity has been on the higher side in the last decade. India has great prospects to enter the emerging and unexplored markets of CLMV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam) countries owing to its amicable relationship and geographical proximity with those countries. This paper attempts to explore the exportability of products from India to ASEAN countries. The Revealed Comparative Advantage index has been used to identify the products with export potential. In the study, products such as cotton, pharmaceuticals, textiles, pearls and chemicals appear to have a comparative advantage against ASEAN.


Act East; Trade Intensity; Comparative Advantage; Trade Agreement

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