Journal Press India®

PRAGATI: Journal of Indian Economy
Vol 7 , Issue 2 , July - December 2020 | Pages: 1-12 | Research Paper

Estimating the Economic Value of Homemakers’ Contribution to GDP: A Study on Delhi-NCR

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Author Details ( * ) denotes Corresponding author

1. * Neha Mangla, Assistant Professor, School of Economics, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, India (
2. Priya Jindal, Assistant Professor, Economics, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies, Delhi, India (

The research estimates and quantifies the economic contributions of the urban homemakers in Delhi that goes unaccounted for in the GDP calculations. The study also aims to estimate the opportunity cost in terms of foregone income of homemakers who were working earlier but decided to be homemakers. A primary research with the target group as urban homemakers in Delhi was conducted to gauge the average hours spent in a day on various household chores like taking care of kids/elderly, cleaning, preparing meals etc. The average salary per homemaker for a month was calculated using the average hourly pay of professional providers of such services. The extrapolated estimates show that a significant amount of economic activity undertaken by urban homemakers in Delhi goes unaccounted for in the GDP calculations. An economic indicator that highlights the contributions of these homemakers who are not officially a part of the workforce will help uplift the social status and empower the Indian females.


Homemaker; Women empowerment; Economic indicators; National income accounts.

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