Vol 9 , Issue 2 , July - December 2022 | Pages: 18-40 | Research Paper
Published Online: December 31, 2022
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This paper examines the distribution of household assets and the resultant pattern of income among the citrus fruits growers in Himachal Pradesh. The rural economy of India is agro-pastoral in nature; land is the major productive asset in the rural areas. In the rural areas agricultural, horticultural, animal husbandry and cottage industries are the major sources of household income. In Himachal Pradesh, land is the main productive asset and inequality in the distribution of land is followed by inequality in the distribution of income and assets which further leads to unequal access to the decision making process. Mass poverty and chronic underutilization of enormous human potential are commonly considered as our most important concerns. Poverty, often known as inequality, is a socioeconomic scenario in which a society’s resources are diverted to support the needs of a small group of individuals, while the majority does not have enough to eat.
Households; Income; Assets; Citrus; Sample; Pattern